4 Quotes & Sayings By Jm Briggs

J.M. Briggs is the award-winning author of several bestselling novels, including The Secrets of Vlad Tepes, The Bloodstone Legacy, The Crimson Crown, and The Kingmaker Chronicles. A former employee of the National Security Agency, Briggs now works as a private consultant.

I am often appalled by those who make history, but inspired by those who do not.” -Morgana le Fey/Morgana Cornwall J.M. Briggs
Challenges not only help form a person, but allow them to experience deeper levels of themselves. Nicole lived through being abandoned by her parents only to recently come to terms with the fact that she does not want them or need them anymore, Bran lost his father to a war and suffered an injury that would have left many bitter, but for his mother's sake has done his best to remain brave and positive through it all…. Aiden, Nicole and Bran have all already faced challenges that have helped them learn who they really are and what really matters to them. They know their personal truths and that gives them the strength they need to find their connection." —Morgana le Fey/ Morgana Cornwall. J.M. Briggs
I grew up on magical stories that had me looking around corners for something magical for years. But this isn't just saying a spell or waving a wand. There isn't one evil person leading an army, but a whole other world that wants to invade us with other beings from other realms. And there are only six mages, not an entire hidden subculture to turn to. It just hasn't been what I imagined and I suck at it." —Alex Adams . J.M. Briggs